What Is The Hallel: A Special Jewish Prayer Said During The Festivals

What Is The Hallel: A Special Jewish Prayer Said During The Festivals

What Is The Hallel: A Special Jewish Prayer Said During The Festivals

Hallel is a Jewish prayer service that consists of a series of Psalms (113-118) recited as an act of praise and thanksgiving on Jewish festivals, Rosh Chodesh (the beginning of a new month), and during the Passover Seder. The term "Hallel" means "praise" in Hebrew.

Structure and Content

The Hallel is made up of six Psalms:

1. Psalm 113: 
This psalm praises God's name and His supreme power, emphasizing His concern for the lowly and His ability to elevate them.

2. Psalm 114: 
This psalm recounts the Exodus from Egypt, celebrating God's power and His role in the redemption of Israel.

3. Psalm 115: 
This psalm contrasts the impotence of idols with the power of God and calls upon Israel to trust in God and praise Him.

4. Psalm 116: 
This psalm is a personal thanksgiving for deliverance from danger and an expression of faith and trust in God.

5. Psalm 117: 
The shortest psalm, it calls upon all nations to praise God for His steadfast love and faithfulness.

6. Psalm 118: 
This psalm gives thanks to God for His enduring mercy and recounts His deliverance, encouraging trust in Him.


- Full Hallel: 
Recited on major Jewish festivals such as Passover (first day), Shavuot, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Hanukkah. The full text of all six psalms is recited.

- Partial Hallel: 
Recited on Rosh Chodesh and the intermediate days of Passover. In this version, certain verses from Psalms 115 and 116 are omitted.


- Praise and Gratitude: 
Hallel is a way to express collective and individual gratitude to God for His wonders and continual protection.

- Communal and Individual: 
It reflects both communal history (e.g., the Exodus from Egypt) and personal deliverance, making it relevant to the entire community and to individuals.

- Liturgical Role: 
It is an integral part of the synagogue service on the aforementioned occasions, contributing to the festive and joyous atmosphere.

When is Hallel Recited?

- Jewish Festivals: 
Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Hanukkah.

- Rosh Chodesh: 
The beginning of each new month.

- Special Occasions: 
During the Passover Seder, Hallel is recited in two parts—before and after the meal.

Hallel encapsulates a range of themes from God's greatness and mercy to historical redemption and personal salvation, making it a powerful and multifaceted element of Jewish worship.