Prayer For The California Department Of Forestry And Fire Protection As They Deal With The Wildfires That Are Raging Across Los Angeles County


Prayer For The California Department Of Forestry And Fire Protection As They Deal With The Wildfires That Are Raging Across Los Angeles County

Prayer For Protection And God's Glory Amidst The Wildfires

Avinu Malkeinu, our Father and our King,
I come before You in awe of Your majesty and power. HaShem, Your Name is holy, exalted above the heavens and the earth. You alone are the Creator, the Sustainer, and the One who holds all things in Your hands. Today, I lift up my voice on behalf of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as they stand in the face of the raging wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles County.

Father, You are the ultimate Protector, the One who shields us from harm. I plead the blood of Yeshua, our Messiah, over every firefighter, every first responder, and every individual working to contain and extinguish these flames. Let the shield of Yeshua’s blood cover them, guarding their bodies, minds, and spirits against danger. Surround them with Your heavenly host, warring on their behalf in realms unseen. May they be under the shadow of Your wings, safe in Your refuge.

HaShem, I call upon the fire of God—not the fire that destroys but the fire of Your Spirit. Let Your holy fire fall upon these courageous men and women, igniting within them strength, endurance, and wisdom to act decisively and skillfully. May Your fire purify and cleanse, burning away fear and filling them with boldness and clarity. Let the fire of Your glory shine brightly, even amidst the smoke and destruction, that all may see Your hand at work.

Abba, glorify Yourself in this trial. Reveal Your power and presence in ways that no one can deny. May the people of Los Angeles County—and those who watch from afar—see miracles unfold, and may hearts be turned to You. Let this be a time of spiritual awakening, where Your Kingdom expands through the saving grace of Yeshua. Open the eyes of those who serve and those affected by these fires to the truth of Your Word, that they may know Yeshua as their Redeemer and find peace in His Name.

Father, I pray for rain from the heavens to quench these flames, rain that testifies to Your mercy and Your authority over all creation. But more than physical rain, I ask for the living water of Your Spirit to pour out over this land, refreshing and restoring all who call upon Your Name.

Thank You, HaShem, for being a God who hears prayer, a God who delivers, and a God who redeems. May Your Name be glorified through this challenge, and may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I lift this prayer to You in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, our Savior and King. Amen.