The Occult Agenda Behind Witchcraft: What the Devil Wants to Do With Your Life
Witchcraft is no longer lurking in the shadows—it’s being celebrated in broad daylight. Once seen as a dark and forbidden practice, today it’s marketed as empowerment, self-discovery, and even a source of divine wisdom. From bestselling books on “manifestation” to TikTok influencers teaching spellcasting, witchcraft has infiltrated every corner of society.
But don’t be deceived. Behind the aesthetics of tarot cards, crystals, and New Age “healing” lies an ancient and deadly deception designed to destroy your soul.
This is spiritual warfare, and the battle is raging right now for your life. What you choose today will determine your destiny.
The Hidden Agenda: The Devil’s Plan for Your Soul
The Bible makes one thing clear: there is no neutral ground in the spiritual realm. You are either aligned with God or entangled in the enemy’s schemes. Witchcraft is one of Satan’s oldest and most powerful weapons to pull people away from God, and it follows a calculated plan:
1. The Devil Wants You to Think Witchcraft is Harmless
In today’s culture, witchcraft is portrayed as innocent fun. From Disney movies to horoscope apps, society has sanitized the occult, making it seem lighthearted and even helpful. But the Bible exposes the truth:
“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.” — Deuteronomy 18:10
It doesn’t matter whether it’s called “white magic,” “energy work,” or “manifestation.” Any supernatural power that does not come from Yahweh is counterfeit and demonic. The enemy’s goal is to get you to play with fire until it consumes you.
2. The Devil Wants You to Seek Power Outside of God
At the root of all witchcraft is the desire for power, knowledge, and control apart from God. This is exactly how Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden:
“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” — Genesis 3:5
The same lie is being told today. Witchcraft promises secret knowledge, personal power, and the ability to control your destiny. But instead of gaining freedom, those who practice it fall into spiritual slavery.
When you step outside of God’s authority, you step into the enemy’s trap.
3. The Devil Wants to Control You Through Demonic Spirits
The biggest lie in witchcraft is that you can control supernatural forces. People believe they are “summoning good spirits” or “tapping into the universe,” but the Bible exposes what’s really happening:
"Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God." — Leviticus 19:31
When people seek spirits outside of God, they are not in control—the spirits are. These spirits appear helpful at first, but over time, they demand more—more rituals, more sacrifices, more of your soul. Many who practice witchcraft experience terrifying nightmares, paranoia, sleep paralysis, and spiritual oppression.
The reason? They have opened a door they cannot close without Yeshua.
4. The Devil Wants to Destroy Your Life
Every person who dabbles in witchcraft thinks they can handle it—until they can’t. The longer someone engages in occult practices, the deeper the enemy’s claws sink in.
“The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.” — Proverbs 4:19
What starts as curiosity turns into addiction. What begins as “harmless” fun turns into torment. Many ex-witches confess that once they were deep into their practices, they suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts, financial ruin, broken relationships, and demonic encounters.
Why? Because the devil does not give gifts—he makes deals. And the price is always your soul.
The Occult in the Church: The Enemy’s Greatest Deception
Perhaps the most shocking reality is that witchcraft is not just in the world—it has infiltrated the church.
Many believers unknowingly participate in occultic practices disguised as spirituality:
🚨 Manifestation & Law of Attraction – Teaching that you can "speak things into existence" instead of submitting to God’s will.
🚨 New Age Christianity – Mixing astrology, “energy healing,” and mysticism with the Bible.
🚨 Hyper-Charismatic Movements – Prioritizing experiences over Scripture, seeking visions, and relying on “prophetic words” instead of biblical truth.
The Bible warns us not to mix light with darkness.
“Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen.” — Jeremiah 10:2
Satan’s greatest weapon is corrupting truth. If he can get believers to accept a little deception, he can lead them far from God.
Do not be deceived. Witchcraft in any form is rebellion against God.
How to Break Free: Spiritual Warfare Against the Occult
If you have ever practiced witchcraft—even unknowingly—you must take action now. You are in a spiritual war, and victory can only be found in Yeshua.
1. Repent and Renounce Witchcraft
Turn away from every occult practice and ask God for forgiveness. Say out loud, "I renounce all witchcraft, divination, and occult practices in Yeshua's name."
2. Destroy All Occult Objects
Get rid of anything connected to witchcraft—tarot cards, crystals, spell books, astrology guides, etc. In Acts 19:19, new believers burned their witchcraft books as a sign of repentance.
3. Pray for Deliverance
If you have experienced oppression, nightmares, or demonic attacks, pray for freedom in Yeshua’s name. Ask God to break every spiritual tie and close every demonic door.
4. Arm Yourself with the Word of God
Yeshua defeated Satan in the wilderness by using Scripture (Matthew 4). Memorize God’s Word and declare it over your life.
5. Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit
You don’t need the counterfeit power of witchcraft. You have the real power of the Holy Spirit. Seek Yahweh alone and stand firm in faith.
Final Warning: Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
The rise of witchcraft is not random—it is part of Satan’s last-days deception. The question is: Which side will you choose?
🔥 Will you reject the occult and surrender fully to Yahweh?
🔥 Will you engage in spiritual warfare or be a victim of deception?
🔥 Will you walk in God’s power or chase after counterfeit spirituality?
The choice is yours—but time is running out.
⚠️ If this article opened your eyes, SHARE IT. Help others escape the occult before it’s too late. The battle is real—but the victory is in Yeshua! ⚠️