Why Do the Chinese Celebrate The Year Of The Snake—Yet Snakes And Serpents Are Demonic And Represent Satan?
The world is full of symbols, traditions, and ancient customs. Some bring life, wisdom, and truth. Others, however, carry dark spiritual meanings—ones that many fail to recognize.
One of the most shocking examples is the Chinese celebration of the Year of the Snake. Every twelve years, millions of people across China and beyond welcome the snake as a sign of power, wisdom, and transformation. They wear its images, offer sacrifices, and seek its supposed blessings.
But what does the Word of God say about the serpent?
From the very beginning, the serpent has been the symbol of Satan, deception, and destruction. So why does a nation so deeply rooted in ancient traditions celebrate it? Is it just harmless culture—or is there something more sinister lurking beneath the surface?
Let’s expose the truth, peeling back the layers of deception to reveal the serpent’s real identity according to the Tanakh and the Gospel of Jesus.
The Serpent: The First Enemy of Humanity
The first time the Bible introduces the serpent, it is in the most sinister way possible. It is the embodiment of Satan himself.
> "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, "You must not eat from any tree in the garden?"’” — Genesis 3:1
The serpent deceived Eve, convincing her and Adam to disobey God, plunging all of humanity into sin, suffering, and death.
This was not just an animal—it was the voice of Satan working through a symbol. The serpent represents deception, rebellion, and the fall of mankind.
And what was God’s response?
> "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." — Genesis 3:15
From the beginning, the serpent was cursed. It would forever be at war with humanity, a symbol of Satan’s hatred for God’s creation.
So how, then, can a culture celebrate a creature that God Himself cursed?
The Snake in Ancient Pagan Worship
The worship of serpents is not unique to China—it has been part of paganism for thousands of years. Almost every major civilization outside of the true faith of Israel has honored the snake as a god, a guardian, or a divine being.
Egyptians worshiped snakes as sacred creatures, even wrapping their gods in serpent imagery.
The Greeks believed the snake was linked to healing and wisdom, represented by the serpent-wrapped staff of Asclepius, a false god.
Hinduism honors the cobra as a divine creature and includes it in images of Shiva, a destructive deity.
Aztecs and Mayans worshiped Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god, associated with power and wisdom.
And now, we turn to China, where the snake is celebrated every twelve years as a symbol of cunning, wisdom, and change.
But does this wisdom come from God? Or is it the same deception Satan used in the Garden of Eden?
> "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness." — Isaiah 5:20
The Snake and the Dragon: The Same Demonic Spirit
In Chinese culture, the snake is closely tied to the dragon—another deeply demonic symbol in the Bible.
In fact, Revelation calls Satan “the great dragon.”
> "And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world." — Revelation 12:9
The serpent and the dragon are one and the same—both representations of Satan himself.
And yet, in Chinese tradition, the dragon is the highest, most powerful symbol—representing emperors, divinity, and supernatural strength.
Coincidence? Not at all.
The Bible makes it clear: Satan has always desired worship. And he will take it in any form he can get—whether through idols, false gods, or even cultural traditions disguised as “festivities.”
The Chinese Year of the Snake is not just a holiday. It is an invitation for spiritual darkness to take hold of an entire nation.
Jesus Exposed the Serpent’s True Nature
While some claim that the snake represents wisdom, Jesus made it crystal clear that its true nature is deception.
Speaking to the Pharisees, the corrupt religious leaders of His time, He called them “vipers”—sons of the serpent himself.
> "You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." — Matthew 12:34
> "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him." — John 8:44
This is what the serpent represents: lies, deception, and destruction.
Yet millions celebrate its image, embracing the very thing Jesus warned us about!
How can God’s people stay silent when an entire culture exalts a symbol of Satan every twelve years?
What Happens When a Nation Worships the Serpent?
When a nation aligns itself with demonic symbols, it invites curses upon itself.
Throughout history, nations that embraced idolatry—Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome—all eventually fell under God’s judgment.
China is no different.
A nation that celebrates the serpent and the dragon will reap the consequences.
> "They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never feared." — Deuteronomy 32:17
Idolatry leads to oppression, suffering, and destruction. And unless there is repentance, judgment will follow.
A Call to Truth: Rejecting the Deception of the Serpent
It is time for the world to wake up.
The Year of the Snake is not harmless—it is an invitation for darkness. It is a celebration of Satan’s image, disguised as culture.
But Jesus came to destroy the works of the serpent.
> "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy." — Luke 10:18-19
The only “snake” that should be celebrated is the one crushed under the heel of the Messiah!
Conclusion: Choose Whom You Will Serve
The world may continue celebrating deception, but God’s people must stand for truth.
Do not participate in traditions rooted in idolatry.
Do not be deceived by Satan masquerading as wisdom.
Do not remain silent while millions unknowingly honor the image of their enemy.
The snake is not a symbol of power, wisdom, or transformation—it is the very creature God cursed.
And no curse should ever be celebrated.
> "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." — Joshua 24:15
Now, the question is: Who will you serve?