31 Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points With Bible Verses


31 Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points With Bible Verses

1. Prayer for daily renewal of strength – Father, renew my strength daily so I may walk and not grow weary. (Isaiah 40:31)

2. Prayer for power to overcome spiritual attacks – I receive divine power to overcome every attack of the enemy. (Luke 10:19)

3. Prayer for fresh fire of the Holy Spirit – Holy Spirit, fill me afresh with fire and boldness. (Acts 1:8)

4. Prayer to break every chain of demonic oppression – Every demonic chain holding me captive, break now! (Isaiah 58:6)

5. Prayer to break stubborn yokes – I command every stubborn yoke in my life to break now. (Nahum 1:13)

6. Prayer to reject demonic manipulation – I reject every form of satanic manipulation against my destiny. (Jeremiah 29:11)

7. Prayer to return evil arrows to the sender – Every arrow of darkness fired against me, go back to your sender! (Psalm 7:16)

8. Prayer to destroy evil altars speaking against me – Let every evil altar raised against me be destroyed by fire. (Numbers 23:23)

9. Prayer to frustrate satanic conspiracies – I frustrate every evil conspiracy set against my life. (Isaiah 8:10)

10. Prayer to cancel demonic dreams – I nullify every satanic dream programmed against me. (Matthew 13:25)

11. Prayer to renounce inherited bondages – I renounce and break free from all inherited spiritual bondages. (Lamentations 5:7)

12. Prayer to destroy foundational evil covenants – Let every foundational evil covenant in my life be destroyed. (Psalm 11:3)

13. Prayer to disconnect from ancestral idols – I disconnect myself from every ancestral idol in my bloodline. (Exodus 20:5)

14. Prayer to break family patterns of affliction – Every satanic pattern in my family, break now in Jesus’ name! (Isaiah 10:27)

15. Prayer for God’s divine covering over my life – Lord, cover me with Your protective wings. (Psalm 91:4)

16. Prayer to nullify satanic weapons against me – No weapon formed against me shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)

17. Prayer to dwell in God’s protection – Lord, be my refuge and fortress against all evil. (Psalm 91:2)

18. Prayer for angelic protection – Let the angel of the Lord encamp around me and my household. (Psalm 34:7)

19. Prayer to blind every evil monitoring spirit – Every evil eye watching me for harm, be blinded in Jesus’ name. (2 Kings 6:17-18)

20. Prayer for open heavens over my finances – Father, I declare open heavens over my finances. (Deuteronomy 28:12)

21. Prayer for God to rebuke financial devourers – Lord, rebuke the devourer for my sake. (Malachi 3:11)

22. Prayer for supernatural financial favor – Father, cause money to locate me supernaturally. (Isaiah 45:3)

23. Prayer to prosper in business and career – I receive divine favor in my business and career. (Psalm 5:12)

24. Prayer for God’s covering over my marriage – Lord, let my marriage be covered in the blood of Jesus. (Hebrews 13:4)

25. Prayer against marriage-destroying spirits – Every power assigned to destroy my marriage, be cast out. (Matthew 19:6)

26. Prayer to break delays in marriage – I break every curse of marital delay in Jesus’ name! (Genesis 2:18)

27. Prayer for divine blessings upon my children – Lord, bless my children and make them great. (Isaiah 54:13)

28. Prayer for personal spiritual revival – Lord, revive my spiritual life and set me on fire for You. (Habakkuk 3:2)

29. Prayer for divine increase in ministry – I declare that my ministry shall prosper and grow. (Jeremiah 3:15)

30. Prayer for a heart that serves God faithfully – Lord, use me for Your glory and let my life reflect You. (Matthew 5:16)

31. Prayer against spiritual lukewarmness – I break every spirit of spiritual laziness and lukewarmness. (Revelation 3:16)