Activities To Make Your Destination Wedding Memorable


Destination Wedding Activities

As brides get more and more creative in planning their weddings, locations weddings are becoming more and more popular. Although this might result in a smaller guest list, it can also result in some fun opportunities for activities.

Many brides like to have their weddings seaside, so they move the festivities to a beach locale, either on their local coast or somewhere more exotic like Jamaica or the Bahamas. In any event, there are several activities that can be planned around this theme. If the wedding is also a weekend event where guests will be around for more than just the wedding, the bride can plan a sailing excursion. Charter a boat for a day and bring your guests out on the water to relax, rejuvenate, and perhaps enjoy a meal.

If the wedding is in the Caribbean, how about a cooking demonstration? The bride and groom can arrange for the wedding guests to enjoy a complimentary cooking demonstration put on by the hotel or a local cook. Since much of the food the guests eat while visiting for the wedding will be different than what they eat at home, they might enjoy learning how to prepare it for home enjoyment.

Say the wedding is in Hawaii, another popular destination wedding location. Here, you can plan several activities around the location. For example, what about a luau? This could even take the place of a more formal or conventional sit-down rehearsal dinner. 

In Hawaii, guests will enjoy a hula lesson. Depending on the age of your guests, be sure there is enough time between the wedding and the lesson for the resting of aching bones, in case there are any. 

At the wedding itself, there are many ways to incorporate the location into the ceremony itself. At a beachside reception, you can play "pass the shell", where a large shell is passed around and guests "listen" for some advice from the other world. Once they get a piece of advice (really something they think of themselves) they share it with the bride and groom, either verbally, or it can be written into a book for the couple.

Other pre-wedding activities can include guided tours, shopping excursions and wine tasting activities (if applicable). If you choose to include any of these activities keep in mind that the bride and groom (or their families) are expected to pay for the bulk of them. If you arrange a sailing excursion, for example, you are expected to pick up the tab for the trip. Do not tell people ahead of time that the activity will be x dollars. It's likely that won't sit well with them.

Since one of the great benefits of the destination wedding is that only your closest friends and family will likely surround you, you can plan some meaningful activities that you wouldn't plan if the wedding were a larger event. For example, you might plan a slumber party night with close friends that includes movies, popcorn and drinks in your hotel room, villa or cottage, depending on where the wedding is held. 

Of course, if you plan a destination wedding, for some people this might double as their vacation. In that event, you might not want to schedule too many activities but instead let people find their own activities and entertainment both before and after the wedding.

Dance Floor Activities For Your Wedding Reception

Dancing is an essential component at most wedding receptions. We look forward to the couple's "first dance" and the bride's special dance with her father. It's also a place to get loose and funky, if you're a guest or a member of the wedding party.

But what if the wedding planners decided to add some fun and surprise to the dance floor by adding fun activities there? This doesn't mean a rousing version of the "Bunny Hop", which, while maybe essential, is hardly unique. 

There are, however, many fun games and activities you can add to your dance floor activities that are sure to be a hit.

Try a fun game of the "chicken dance". Ok, so that doesn't sound too original. But if most of your guests are just sitting at their tables, watching a few brave couples dancing, or just finishing their meals, you might want to get everyone up and having fun. Try this game.

The DJ announces a number. Everyone looks under his or her chair, where there is a number. Depending on the number of guests at the wedding, there might be only numbers "1" and "2" or more, up to 5. 

So, say the DJ announces number "4". Each person checks under their chair to see what their number is. These numbers can be written simply on a piece of masking tape and affixed to the underside of the chairs when the reception is being set up. Each "4" in this scenario will head to the dance floor to do the chicken dance with the other "4s". Not only does this get people out of their chairs and on to the dance floor, they get to know other wedding reception guests they might not otherwise know.

One dance floor activity that's gaining popularity is to bring in a dance teacher for the wedding reception. As a kind of pre-dance activity, the teacher will quickly walk people through their paces on the dance floor, perhaps teaching a bit of the waltz or, for something completely different, a little bit of the tango, before the music officially begins and dancing commences. 

Having a dance teacher do a bit of teaching not only livens up the reception right from the start, but it gets people out on the dance floor who might otherwise be too self-conscious normally to get out there and let it all hang out. And practically speaking, it will likely make the wedding guests feel more confident in their skills before the "official" dancing begins.

Another fun activity to get everyone on the dance floor, including even the most reticent, is something you can refer to as the "snowball" dance. This is a good way to jumpstart the dancing at the beginning of the evening. 

Here's how the "snowball" dance works. The wedding party, bride and groom included, will head to the dance floor for a fun dance. The music for this dance should be fast, something with a disco beat or a fast song that most people have at least a passing familiarity with. After a bit of wedding party dancing, the music stops. The female members of the wedding party move into the crowd and bring back one male each. The male members of the wedding party do the same, but they bring in female guests. The dancing then begins again. This is repeated until all the guests are dancing. It's truly a snowball effect!

How To Get Cheap Designer Sunglasses

Buying cheap sunglasses does not necessarily mean that you are just getting poor quality sunglasses. You can easily get cheap sunglasses on line from all the popular designers. The online prices for sun glasses are much cheaper than you would pay in a regular store and you have a much wider selection of designer sun glasses to choose from. 

When you check out the line of cheap sunglasses, you do have to do your homework to make sure these sun glasses are not cheap quality. If you are shopping online, you do need to look at the photos of the cheap designer sunglasses, but you also need to read the accompanying descriptions. The frame is an important part of the sunglasses. Plastic frames will not last as long as metal frames, so you need to make sure the designer sun glasses offered for cheap prices are not plastic frames.

If the frame of cheap sunglasses is plastic, read on to see if it contains a metal rod. If so, then these would be good quality cheap designer sunglasses. It is possible to get designer sun glasses, such as Armani, Oakley, Maui Jim and others at cheap prices through the online retailers. This is because most of the online sites selling designer sunglasses do not carry an overhead. If they do, they don’t have a regular store and probably operate out of their homes. This savings of rent and salaries comes back to you in the form of cheap prices.

You also need to look at the color of the lenses. Choose one that you like and that you will be able to see through clearly. Some of the designer sunglasses have polarized lenses and this is a great feature because it cuts down on the glare of the sun. Even when buying cheap sunglasses, you can still choose the color of the lens and you don’t have to sacrifice quality for price. 

With the cheap prices charged for sunglasses online, you can now walk out in style wearing designer sunglasses. No one has to know that they are cheap sunglasses and no one will know unless you tell them. Each of the cheap designer sunglasses carries the signature brand on the lens to let you know that you do have authentic designer sun glasses. 

Buying cheap sunglasses doesn’t necessarily mean that you are buying bad sunglasses, but you have to do your homework.

How To Add A Personal Touch To Your Wedding

How To Add A Personal Touch To Your Wedding 

A perfect wedding isn’t only beautiful, it’s personal. It’s got carefully selected details that are meaningful to you and your fiancé.  Here are some very simple ways to add your own subtle, unique touches to your ceremony and reception:


•Write your own wedding vows. It doesn’t have to read like poetry; the important thing is that it comes from your own heart. Print it out on an index card and keep it handy during the ceremony. 

•Compile a CD with songs that symbolize your relationship or how it evolved. Play this during your reception or even burn a copy and distribute as souvenirs. Insert a small piece of paper explaining why you chose those songs.

•Instead of tossing your bouquet, present it to your mother (or a dear friend or mentor) during your reception. You can also have an additional bouquet made for your groom to present his mother at the same time. 

•Guests often have free time on their hands during their reception. In the center of the table, place several pens and small pieces of paper in a pretty basket. Ask them to write their wishes, prayers, or advice for you and your fiancé. Compile in a scrapbook.

•Most wedding reception programs revolve around the couple: friends give speeches. Do something for the guests. Make a video of you and your fiancé talking about the people who’ve taught you what true love means. Mention friends who’ve demonstrated real loyalty, or family members who made great sacrifices for you. Intersperse your video with their photos. This is your chance to say thank you to all of them.

•If you have a close friend or family member who passed away, make him or her part of the occasion by inserting a small photo in your bouquet, or lighting a tribute candle at the church ceremony. 

•If you have ethnic roots, incorporate a marriage ritual from your culture into your ceremony or perform it during your reception.  

•Wear an heirloom. For example, you can use your grandmother’s veil, or wear a locket that belongs to your mother. This is an excellent way of creating a sense of continuity between generations, celebrating your own family even as you go on to begin your own. 

•Prepare an audio-video presentation that will be played during the last dance of the bride with the father. This can be just a simple montage of childhood photos. A guaranteed tear-jerker!  

•If you have kids, help them feel like they’re part of the new family by asking them to stand next to you as you say your vows.

•Add little elements that say something about your relationship as a couple. For example, if you’re giving away picture frames, insert a poem that you wrote or a copy of your wedding vows. If you met at a beach (and would rather not have a beach-themed wedding) incorporate shells into your table centerpiece.

How Platinum Cufflinks Can Elevate Your Look And Style

A stunning styled platinum cufflink is guaranteed to complete any formal attire. Are you the type of man, who only wants the best? 

Then platinum cufflinks are for you. Platinum cufflinks look trendy and can be obtained in a variety of prices and styles. For your reference we have given valuable details about what's available. Platinum cufflinks come with a variety of shapes, sizes and prices. 

Handmade platinum cufflinks: 

These handmade cufflinks are precious gems. Handmade platinum and titanium cufflinks can cost you around £450 GBP. A pair of lapiz lazuli double cufflinks set in platinum with a diamond border can cost you around £3,191.64 GBP. Onyx, platinum and diamond cufflinks with their splendid finish, can cost you around £3,191.64. Platinum and two color exotic metal square double cufflinks cost around £1,652.80 GBP. 

New style cufflinks: 

A fresh new style of cufflink in genuine Chinese blue lacquer and platinum can make you feel fit for a royal banquet. With the appeal of a crisp cotton tailored suit, DuPont blue lacquer and platinum cufflinks are perfect accessories for business or other official occasions. You could also go for a rhodium plated double hand cufflink which costs you around £270. Rhodium is a white metal from the platinum family which has a platinum look. 

Other trendy designs: 

Some navy and yellow squares, are the most fashionable cufflinks available and can harmonize with any garment. You may highlight either color to garnish your outfit, but we suggest that you band these together with shirts that are lemon, cream or navy in color for the best impact. The 19.55mm 18k platinum cufflink which looks like an old timepiece or compact watch when glanced at, would make a grand gift for parents, friends, or maybe just an extraordinary acquisition for yourself!. This may also cost you just around £26.

How To Choose An Authentic Handbag While Shopping Online

Handbag sales have jumped to an all time high in the recent years due to the promotion of fashionable merchandise by wealthy actors, actresses, musicians, and models. Often seen as a status of wealth, handbags have become a very important accessory for anyone who is into fashion. People all over the world are influenced by a media, which promotes the sale of designer fashion through magazines, television and the movies. Wealthy public figures are often given designer merchandise from the high fashion companies in hopes that they will wear their clothing and accessories. When a star is seen wearing a new designer handbag everyone wants to know where they can get one like it too.

Fashion has become a billion dollar empire, which has people rushing to the stores to get the latest trends. Many times a person will choose an article of clothing or accessory just for the name on the label. For this reason there are many counterfeit merchandise dealers out there just waiting to take advantage of you. Many of which are making a good living off unsuspecting buyers who are looking for a good deal. There is a lot of fake merchandise out there that is being sold for real name brands and many times the counterfeits are hard to spot. 

Designer handbags can be very expensive for the average person to buy. This is why the market for counterfeit merchandise like handbags has become so big. Many people buy the counterfeits thinking they are getting a steal or a good deal. Spotting a fake handbag can be very hard since many look very much like the originals. Millions have been sold without the buyer ever knowing that they have bought a fake. Counterfeit merchandise is made at a much lower cost than the originals so it is very easy for a counterfeit dealer to make a profit. They often get the clothing and accessories at a very low cost. Then they mark up the price to much more than it’s worth. They sell the merchandise for a very high profit. You still think your getting a good deal though because it’s still lower than the cost of an original and you think what you are getting is authentic.

There are some ways to make sure that your purchase of a handbag is authentic. Inspect the material of the handbag; is the leather of good quality? Is the stitching even and straight? Many original designer bags have the name brand logo on the lining and the lining is usually satin. Designers usually use leather accents, so a plastic strap is a good indicator of a fake. Logos should always be engraved not just printed. A serial number can often be found in most original handbags and is a good indicator of its authenticity. An authenticity card that has the name brand logo and some product information on it can usually be found also. 

In recent years the sale of handbags online has become a big market. Many sites do sell authentic handbags and are legitimate but many are not. It is important when buying a designer handbag online that you first check out the website you are thinking of buying a handbag from. Sites that are PayPal verified are usually legitimate and the Better Business Bureau can usually let you know if the site has had any complaints. Wherever you decide to buy your designer handbag it is always a good idea to make sure it is authentic.

How To Use Leather To Accessorize Your Wardrobe

Leather has been a favorite textile all over the world for thousands of years.  It was used in England, Germany, France, as well as many other countries to make luggage, clothing, shoes, handbags, and other products as different cultures saw fit.  The Indians used leather for their clothing, shoes, boots, jewelry, blankets, and homes.  

The Indians made their leather look more colorful and appealing to the eye.  They added beads on their boots and shoes, colorful dyes decorated the outside of their teepees, and feathers ornamented their leather head dresses.  The Indians found many ways to accessorize their leather.  

Today we have become accustomed to using leather for many aspects in life such as handbags, purses, shoes, clothing, coats, hats, jewelry, luggage, wallets, and fanny packs.  It is so easy to choose what we will wear and carry with what.  We have so many styles, colors, and different grades of leather to choose from.  All we have to do is go online or to a mall and buy what we like.  It is as easy as that.  

Your ensemble may be easier to accessorize than you think.  For instance, we use a certain style purse such as a clutch purse to wear with our evening wear.  Trendy handbags and sporty purses will embellish your jeans and a tee.  While a fanny pack or a backpack/book bag will work well on an adventurous hike or to a theme park.  Or how professional would you look carrying a fine leather briefcase walking into a corporate business meeting.   The way you accessorize your outfit says a lot about your personality.

Another way to accessorize your wardrobe could be with leather jewelry such as a chokers or leather necklace with a slide or beads on it.  Leather jewelry is very stylish in today’s fashion world and when you think about it, it has for quite some time.

There are many ways to use leather to dress up your day, whether at work or at play.  These are just a few ideas on how to accessorize your wardrobe with leather.  Can you think of more?

The Basic Categories Of Perfumes And Fragrances

The Basic Categories Of Perfumes And Fragrances 

The Basic Categories Of Perfumes And Fragrances

There are so many scent and fragrance choices today as there is a great battle to capture our attention by the manufacturers of perfumes. How do we choose one over its competitor? For that matter, with the huge selection that there is, just getting started is a great challenge!

Let's explore some of the basic categories of perfumes and fragrances.

Florals are the "all around" choice. That doesn't mean, however, that using a cheap version will do. High quality ingredients count for a lot, particularly when the consumer is searching for a distinctive feminine fragrance.

Fruity perfumes and fragrances are different from their floral cousins in that they are best for warm weather. Also, the lady who likes tradition, yet a difference from the classic floral will enjoy the spicy, fruity difference.

Younger consumers are drifting towards the more modern oceanic scents. They are unusual and intense and give off a nautical impression. A great choice for warmer months due to their outdoor-ish nature.

The oriental varieties have a strong spicy scent. A choice of this variety is usually very personal as they are usually reserved for special events

A pleasant refreshing choice is brought out by the earthy types of perfumes. Older folks tend to prefer these as they are traditional and less bold.

Finally, the "green" varieties are a lighter fragrance that goes well on less formal, casual occasions.

So what to choose? Are you the type that doesn't like change? If so, use what you've always used, unless it no longer gives you the pleasure you once got from it. However, if you are of an open mind, expand your horizons and try something different...either from a different category or and different perfume from the same, time tested category.

How Silver Cufflinks Can Bring Dark Coloured Attires To Life

Of all the many varieties available, silver cufflinks are very popular and come in a wide range of prices.

When you go for a pair of cufflinks, silver cufflinks really make a great choice. Silver cufflinks combined with exotic metals, diamonds, Gem sets, or Onyx make a stunning combination that is sure to bring your clothes to life. Here we have listed some for you, to help you to choose accordingly.  

Engraved Silver cufflinks:  

These gorgeous simple cufflinks, go with just about everything in your wardrobe i.e casual to normal. Silver cufflinks with engravings (your initials or symbols) can cost you around £14.24 GBP, and half engraved sterling silver cufflinks can cost you around £56.99 GBP.  Square shaped sterling silver cufflinks with three letters engraved in it, can cost you around £19.94 GBP. 

Enamel cufflinks:  

This silver framed enamel square cufflink pair costs around £45.00 GBP and is a perfect accessory in adding a splash of colour to your sleeves. The New York Yankees cufflinks can cost you about £25 per pair and silver cufflinks with an enamel flag of St. George can cost you around £33 GBP. This fabulous cufflink is in the shape of a Rugby ball. 

Solid silver cufflinks:  

If you are looking for unique shapes on your cufflinks, have a look at the following description in amazement. The fun pair of cufflinks shaped in the form of lions, made in sterling silver is exclusive, and may cost you around £55. The other forms of solid silver cufflinks shapes are bars, shot guns, ovals etc. which is a welcome unique accessory for your wardrobe. All these may cost you around £60.  

Hall marked:  

The hall marked sterling silver shirt button cufflinks costs about £47. The hall marked silver cricket bat and ball design cufflinks is around £39. The stone and ring silver cufflinks with a wide range of designs is around £99.

How To Choose The Right Sunglasses


A Guide to Choosing Sunglasses

Sunglasses are one of the ultimate fashion accessories. They are great in helping you to create your own unique image. What exact style you choose really depends on your personal taste, age and the shape of your face. Yet, not matter what style of sunglasses you are thinking of buying, it is important that you end up choosing the best possible quality pair.

Some tips to choosing quality sunglasses are provided below. Being educated by what makes a quality pair of sunglasses is very important when you are searching for your next pair of sunglasses. Keep these tips in mind when you are browsing.

Protection from UV

One major contributor to eye disease is ultraviolet radiation. This is why it is important to choose a pair of sunglasses that protect you from the harmful effect of UV. Just because your glasses have a dark tint doesn't mean that you are protect from UV. Make sure you check the sunglasses UV rating.

What the Sunglasses Are Made From

Generally speaking the heavier the sunglasses the higher quality they will be. You want to ensure that the material that they are made from will last a long time and be able to resist the constant knocks that sunglasses typically take.

Different Tints

Tints are the colors that are applied to sunglasses lenses to help reduce the light that makes contact with the eyes. The particular tint you choose is up to your personal taste. However, different tints will have a different effect on the perceived brightness and glare, and will distort color differently.

As an example, gray tints reduce glare and don't distort the color. On the other hand, yellows lens will distort color but sharpen your perceived view.

To Polarize or Not to Polarize?

Sunglasses that are polarized will reduce the glare of the light which bounces off roads and water. They are typically preferred by people who drive a lot during the day or boat on the water. If you work or play near a lot of flat surfaces you may wish to investigate using polarized sunglasses.

How To Find Luxurious Eyewear Without The Added Cost


Be a quirkier fashionista whatever the weather! Know the latest trends in eyewear that fits your personality!

Everybody has wanted a taste of luxury but unfortunately for most people, it's either too hard or too expensive to achieve. The closest to luxury one can ever taste is through wearing the latest trends in fashion, adorning themselves with the latest accessories, strutting in the latest in shoes, and carrying the latest in handbags along. Sad to say, these can come quite expensive, too. 

Perhaps the greatest accessory that is sure to get you noticed is the ever trendy eyewear! Yes, even the latest in eyewear hasn't pushed past the expensive mark as yet. Sunglasses are just as important as all the outfits you put together; it gives a better overall impression. Not to mention, it gives you an air of mystique. No wonder people have been purchasing glasses here and there. The decision to buy is not just random; it has to be calculated even to the last detail. 

So what can you fashionistas get in as little cost as possible? Numerous! Whether you wish to purchase designer brands or those that don’t have brands at all, if you know what there is to know about eyewear, and then nobody will ever notice the difference!

There are a lot of designs that have been coming out from the fashion industry with regards to the latest in eyewear. Let's start with the shape. The latest fashion in eyewear that are in the rave right now are your oversized shades. Fashionistas anywhere in the world have a preference for these glasses as it shields enough of the eyes and face without hampering your appearance. You should choose wisely, for some of these oversized shades can be heavy and can rest on your cheeks if they don’t have the proper ear supports and nasal rims. Oversized shades that have these qualities can be a nuisance and should be avoided as possible. 

Another trend that has evolved is the quality of the lenses. Contrary to the fad in the past, lenses now offer the best protection packed in one single pair of glasses. Lenses now are polarized and can offer ultraviolet protection to varying degrees depending on your preference. Eyewear lenses have now been creatively produced to meet your varying needs. In sports for instance, tennis players now make use of specialized lenses that have yellow enhancement capabilities. This is important in tennis as the sunglasses not only shields your eyes from the glare of the sun but also makes the tennis ball more yellow to aid you in following its every direction. In snow sports the same technology has been maximized but rather than yellow enhancements, these sunglasses have amber lenses or rose lenses that can help you mark the slopes in the snow. This is crucial, again because it shields from the glare of the sun that might hamper your vision, it would also allow you to perform at your peak capacity that does not oversee the rule of safety. For everyday casual wear, you can choose from a variety of dark tinted glasses or those glasses that have no tint at all. However, dark tinted glasses are more often purchased in the market. Or you can even settle for no lenses at all! Yes, the latest and craziest trend in eyewear has just released a new line of sunglasses that have no lenses at all. These type of glasses used to be a fad in the later centuries and now they are back to make a statement. You would have to go to a specialty optic store for these babies however, because these are usually custom-made. 

If you are hard of vision and are either myopic or hyperopic and you just can't withstand the routine of contact lenses, then eyeglasses may be prescribed for you. Be the fashionista that you are. You probably don’t want to wear those tacky round-rimmed glasses that don’t do wonders for your appearance. These won’t be a problem for long. Optical stores are now offering you the choice of frames, that can be branded or not, to go with your prescribed lenses. Never has wearing prescription glasses been any trendier!

The last factor that is perhaps the most crucial factor that could make or break a fashionista's decision to buy her eyewear is the frame. These frames come in a myriad of colors, materials, and embellishments. Go crazy! With the rising popularity of eyewear there have never been more options to choose from. Frame colors usually come in available choices of classic black, plain brown, brown and gold combinations, silver, gold, pink, white, and the list is endless. If you don’t have the color you want available but have the money, then you can settle for custom made frames. These frames can be made from the colors, design, and embellishments that you prefer. Aside from the color, frames can also come in different types of materials. You have the cheapest of all the plastic and the latest of which are materials made from titanium and the like that offer the best style in a lightweight fashion. 

Your facial structure and personality should always be considered when you choose your eyewear. The type of eyewear that you should decide on purchasing should also be able to afford you the most function in the best design available. 

You will be having no more troubles choosing the right eyewear for you. Budget won't also be a factor anymore as more and more manufacturing companies in eyewear has been releasing a number of products in as much variety as possible that would please the fashionista in you.

How To Choose The Right Perfume - Tips To Help You

How To Choose The Right Perfume - Tips To Help You

How To Choose The Right Perfume - Tips To Help You

With the thousands of fragrances in the market, it can sometimes be tricky to choose the one that is perfect for your taste, personality, the occasion, and other factors. Check out the following basic tips that you may find useful when choosing and even wearing the perfect perfume for you.

1. Determine your budget.

Perfumes are priced in a very big range, from very inexpensive colognes to luxurious designer brands. Determining your budget or the money you are prepared to spend beforehand will help narrow down the choices and will save you a lot of time.

2. Know what particular smell you want and go for it.

Decide on what type of fragrance you want based on what use the perfume would be to you. For instance, is it for special occasions? Is it to please or seduce a lover? Is it for everyday wash and wear? If you plan to please someone, make sure to research on the particular fragrances he or she likes. If you want it to be an everyday whiff you can wear to work or school, you may want to buy a lighter and fresher scent. If it’s for big parties and formal events, choose a perfume that makes a stronger impact by blending well with your body chemistry.

Other factors like the weather or season are also important to consider. For instance, if you live in a very humid setting, floral fragrances with a woody or musky base often complement the sultry weather. If you’re often surrounded by a lot of people in near proximity, don’t choose a very strong perfume because not everyone likes perfume. Citrus, sea breeze and other herb and floral fragrances are often fresh and rejuvenating, perfect for someone always on the go. If you will be out on a date and want to heighten the romance, choose a scent that is a bit stronger but not overpowering. Usually oriental spices project confidence and sophistication. Meanwhile, aromatic blends are perfect for men who like to smell like a true man exuding with machismo and security. 

3. Examine carefully before buying. 

When you’ve finally narrowed down your choices and you’re ready to go to a perfume shop, don’t forget to carefully examine each perfume you fancy before getting ahead of yourself and purchasing. Take note that your nose can only handle so much and testing 20 perfumes consecutively will prove to be futile. Before you start spraying a perfume on your wrist, spray it first on a card or paper and decide if you like it. If not, move on to the next. Once you find a scent you think is perfect, start testing it on your body. Apply a small amount on your wrist or at the back of your arm. Sometimes the saleslady will offer to apply some in her own skin and have you smell it. This is a no-no because each of us reacts to perfumes in different ways. Make sure the perfume is perfect for you by putting it on your own skin. Wait for a few minutes because fragrances start to grow on you and smell different after a while.